Monday, December 3, 2012

Character Assassination: Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher.

Does anyone else feel betrayed when the main characters on a book cover in no way match the characters in the book? I do and it's such a glaring flaw for me that it takes something away from the enjoyment of the story. And that's a small, albeit grating, issue.
Casting someone in a movie who is so wholly out of place in the role of a character I love to read is an all together different kettle of fish. Stinky fish. Stinky bottom feeding fish. AARRGGHH.
I've read every Reacher novel, most of them more than once. (If you haven't dipped your toe into Lee Child's Reacher series, Bad Luck and Trouble is a great read.) I will NOT see One Shot with Tom Cruise as Reacher. That's like having Woody Allen direct The Shining; so blatantly wrong, it just becomes farcical.
Character should matter to a story-teller no matter what expression the story takes, in this instance a movie. Reacher is 6' 5", anywhere between 210 and 250 lbs, rugged and blond. Every story has his physical description as an element of who he is. Often, Reacher can't buy clothes that fit, and this is a problem since the only item Reacher carries with him as he wanders the country saving the day is a portable, folding tooth-brush. Always, always, always, Reacher uses his extreme physicality to annihilate one or more bad guys at a time. He is aware of his size all the time. Taking that away from Reacher indelibly changes his character.
Dolph Lundgren, the  wonderful actor Ray Stevenson, Liam Neeson, heck, even some-what shorter Sean Bean, would all have been better choices. On Lee Child's FB page this morning there were 949 comments commenting on the new book cover featuring Tom Cruise. Almost without exception fans of the books are disappointed to such an extent, not only will they not see the movie, some won't buy any more Reacher books. I will. I love Reacher. What I won't do is have the magic die by watching Tom Cruise mutilate a character I like to spend time with.
Perhaps Mr. Child genuinely likes this choice, but I doubt it. Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. As a follow-up to my thoughts, you may read Lee Child's at:
