Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ninja-Lawyer-Writes-Romance (and loves it)

Yesterday I started handing out book covers for SECOND CHANCES, my second romance e-book, at the court house, to some of my attorney, commissioner and judge friends and to miscellaneous staff at the court house.

Results and responses were mixed.

Judges, commissioners and attorneys were widely supportive, with the exception of one soon to retire somewhat grumpy male attorney I love but who has no use for anything but male thrillers.  Since I love male thrillers too I get it, and although I don't respect his response, I understand it.  A win, I'd say, and I took it as one.

The only negative response I got that irritated and grated was when a court reporter referred to the genre in general as "trash" and my novel in particular as one of those "trash novels".  Don't get me wrong, I can be as self-deprecating as the next writer, and almost as elitist if I give it the old college try, but trash?  Really?

So here's the martial arts part: Be Proud of What you Do.  So says my Sensei.  So believe I.

I am proud of what I do. All of it. Writing romances that make me and others laugh, cry, empathize, and just plain feel good is more than most of us get to do with our lives. It's meaningful and certainly not something to be bagged and stuck in a land-fill, I don't care how cynical you are, or how literary, everyone loves a love story.

So I say to my writing siblings: Be Proud. You make life better in a time where there's more than enough pain and nastiness to go around.


Happy Writing.  Happy Reading.

Leigh Morgan


  1. Good for you! People like that are not only ignorant, they're rude. I don't like a lot of "funny dumb guy" movies that are out, but if I met the actors/writers/directors, I certainly wouldn't tell them they're making trash. Especially since they're making a lot of money to go along with the trash. lol

    I hope you make that money, too, though your books are nowhere near trash!

  2. Trash is in the eyes of the beholder. It's too bad that some people are blind to the arts, and yes, writing/storytelling is an art (a very difficult one at that). I bet that if that person had to write even just one scene she might actually come away with a different perspective. Unless of course she's too blind. Fortunately you have many others who are supportive of your endeavor and like reading your stories. WRITE ON! and kick a little tail too!

  3. Dear Edie,
    From your mouth to God's ears! (Goddess's too ;)). I'm never offended if what I write isn't what someone else wants to spend their time reading. The trash thing really got me though. If you read it and then say a particular story is trash, fine. If not, your opinion isn't worth wiping off the bottom of my shoe. (Not that I have a feeling on the issue)

    What we do makes the world a more enjoyable place. Does the world really need another romance novel? If it's well written the answer is: ABSOLUTELY!

    Write On!

  4. Dear #1 Fan,
    My ego wasn't bruised. I simply surprised myself with my response. Anything worth doing is worth doing well and writing romance is worth doing. How many of us need to escape the reality we are forced to live in where people are unemployed and money or lack thereof is a real worry, if even for 80,000 words?

    There is a place for fun and love and laughter in our lives. I'd argue providing that is something to aspire to, not disparage.

    BTW almost everyone, even in such a serious community of people, is supportive. That's the real message. People=Mostly Good; Romance=Widely Appreciated.

    The hat people got it right, for the most part, LIFE IS GOOD.


  5. Leigh,

    What's one man's trash is another man's treasure. We all know that old saying; however, I've learned that what most people label as "trash" novels have NEVER read them to make an accurate and unbiased determination. Which makes them very questionable critics at the very best. Mary Jo

  6. I wonder what she would write. It would probably shock her/him if she/he didn't sell one book.

  7. Dear Mary Jo,
    You are so right. No room for elitist snobs who pontificate without doing their homework. We do good things in so many areas of our lives, why not be proud of this one that brings joy?

  8. Dear Sandy,
    I agree. It's harder than it sounds or looks. I guess the heavy lifting has to go to us plebeians. (this one Plato got wrong)

  9. This infuriated me! How incredibly rude, and naive and...grrr!! I love love stories, and good for you girl!! You should be proud and happy with everything you do, and I'm glad to hear you are. That's what matters : )
    Way to go Leigh!

  10. Thanks Top Knot. I wasn't infuriated just thought 'what an ignorant response' one I've heard before and laughed off, this time I didn't. Just found the growth interesting. No Worries.
