Thursday, March 8, 2012

What would you do if you knew: Anything-Can-Happen?

Well my friends, it's the first week of Anything-Can-Happen month and I'm feeling the drive. The drive to write. The drive to create. The drive to (goddess help me) clean and paint and otherwise tidy my nest.

The up side? I've tried a couple of left-over cases. I've re-written some chapters in my current work in progress and I've written some new from whole cloth. Those re-written are better than what came before and I'm experientially optimistic about the new. I'm also wondering how my life got

I'm still straddling two worlds trying to figure out how to get paid for doing something I love and I believe in. It isn't as polarizing for me now as it was eight short weeks ago. Now there's more balance, more ease.

Wow that sounds weird. So does this whole blogging thing if you think about it. I'm not that interested in describing my favorite band or color or Packer for public consumption. But, I do enjoy sharing those bits of insight I think are meaningful with my rather limited, and by and large unsolicited, audience. Sometimes life just matters in the moment and that should be celebrated, however quietly.

So I'm off on this new adventure of where the fu** do I go from here and I'm trying not only to have fun on the ride but to have something meaningful and lasting come from it. I guess we'll see. How many books of quality can I create in a year? How many organic farmers can I learn from and emulate? How many amendments can I suggest to the constitution? How many times can I have my parents, my in-laws and my children to breakfast? How many windows can I afford to replace in my house?

Some small questions. Some big. What will you choose as your questions for the next nine months of 2012? My life is shifting so quickly and yet so easily into areas of interest I wouldn't have contemplated a year ago. I hope yours is too, so long as that shift is moving in a positive direction for you.

Here's to your wishes, your dreams, your goals, large and small; may they guide you toward your best self and a life of balance. I know I'm still juggling. Peace.
